کل 26853


Health endpoints caused by PM10 Exposure in Ahvaz,Iran

Health endpoints caused by PM10 Exposure in Ahvaz,Iran

PM10 emissions are defined as PM emissions that are less than ten microns in diameter. Long exposure of suspended particles as showed in his personal life. PM10 can cause harmful health effects such as the prevalence of bronchitis and reduced lung function in children and adults. Major sources of emissions are causing by human intervention particulate road traffic, stationary combustion and industrial processes.

Investigation of relationship between musculoskeletal disorders and working conditions among workers at a pharmaceutical industry in Iran (2011-2012)

Investigation of relationship between musculoskeletal disorders and working conditions among workers at a pharmaceutical industry in Iran (2011-2012)

Musculoskeletal disorders may be observed in all industries and professions and most of these disorders are related to the back, upper and lower extremities of the body organs. In Pharmaceutical industry, almost lack of standard ergonomic conditions and sometimes can cause outbreaks of diseases and musculoskeletal disorders in various parts of the body. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between musculoskeletal disorders and working on the packaging section of the pharmaceutical industry. The Nordic questionnaire and Rula method were used for collection of data and 392 workers were selected as the subjects of study.


۹۸ درصد حوادث منجر به فوت در حوادث کاری قابل پیشگیری است

مدیرکل بازرسی کار وزارت تعاون، کار و رفاه اجتماعی با اشاره به تدوین ۶۰ آیین‌نامه برای افزایش ایمنی و بهداشت کار در شورای عالی ایمنی و کار کشور گفت: ۹۸ درصد حوادث منجر به فوت در حوادث کاری قابل پیشگیری است.

Investigation of nitrous oxide concentration in operating rooms of educational hospitals of Ahvaz Jundishapur University in year 2012

Investigation of nitrous oxide concentration in operating rooms of educational hospitals of Ahvaz Jundishapur University in year 2012

Nitrous Oxide gas can affect the patient and also cause chronic complications in operating room staff in the short term. In the current survey, we measured the Nitrous Oxide gas levels in the operating room of the educational hospitals of the Ahvaz Jundishapur Medical University.576 samples were taken from 32 operating rooms through 4 months. Sampling was done in 3 different working times (8:30-9:00, 10:30-11, 12:30-13:00) from 6 different sites in the operating room. Portable infrared spectrophotometer was used for measuring the concentration of nitrous oxide.

Cardiovascular deaths related to Carbon monoxide Exposure in Ahvaz, Iran

Cardiovascular deaths related to Carbon monoxide Exposure in Ahvaz, Iran

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless and toxic gas that emitted from combustion. Carbon monoxide can cause harmful health effects by reducing oxygen delivery to the body's organs (like the heart and brain), tissues, fibrinolysis effects, abortion and death at extremely high levels. The aim of this study was to assess health- effects of carbon monoxide exposure in Ahvaz city.

Development of a novel setup for direct colorimetric visualization of elemental mercury vapor adsorption on colloidal gold nanoparticles

Development of a novel setup for direct colorimetric visualization of elemental mercury vapor adsorption on colloidal gold nanoparticles

Mercury is a toxic, persistent, and bio-accumulative pollutant that has adverse effects on environmental and human health. Various studies have been conducted to monitor different forms of mercury. The objective of this study was to develop a novel setup for assessing gas phase elemental mercury vapor adsorption using colloidal gold nanoparticles solutions that display a characteristic surface plasmon resonance absorption peak in the visible spectrum.

Adsorption of Cu2+ from aqueous solution onto modified glass beads with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane

Adsorption of Cu2+ from aqueous solution onto modified glass beads with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane

The discharge of heavy metals into the aquatic ecosystem is a main concern over the last few decades. These pollutants are introduced into aquatic systems as a result of various industrial operations. This study investigates the efficiency of the modified glass beads with APTES ligand for removal of Cu2+ from the aqueous solution.

The study of Influencing Maintenance Factors on Failures of Two gypsum Kilns

The study of Influencing Maintenance Factors on Failures of Two gypsum Kilns

Developing technology and using equipment in Iranian industries caused that maintenance system would be more important to use. Using proper management techniques not only increase the performance of production system but also reduce the failures and costs. The aim of this study was to determine the quality of maintenance system and the effects of its components on failures of kilns in two gypsum production companies using Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA). Furthermore the costs of failures were studied.

Significance of authenticity in meat and meat products in Iran

Significance of authenticity in meat and meat products in Iran

The Authenticity of meat products is very important for religious and health reasons in Iran. According to legislation in Iran, the consumption and importation of pork, horse, donkey and cat products should be banned. Therefore, the identification of meat products cannot be judged solely by its appearance.

Influence of pollution loading and flow rate on catalytic BTEX removal with a combined Cu2O, Fe0/Zeolite bed

Influence of pollution loading and flow rate on catalytic BTEX removal with a combined Cu2O, Fe0/Zeolite bed

Environmental impacts and health concerns of BTEX compounds have been pointed in many studies. The agencies responsible for health and environment have delivered standard and guideline for BTEX concentrations. Because of the extensive use in industries and the presence of these compounds in fossil fuels, their emission resources are very divers.