کل 26877

 Nitrogen dioxide

Quantification of health effects related to SO2 and NO2 pollutants by using Air quality model

Quantification of health effects related to SO2 and NO2 pollutants by using Air quality model

In the past few decades, the results of epidemiological studies have shown that there is a significant relationship between human health and air pollution. The aim of this study was to quantify the health effects, the estimated number of cases of death, cardiovascular and respiratory deaths attributed to NO2 and SO2 pollutants in Bukan city by Air Quality software.

Correlation of air pollutants with land use and traffic measures in Tehran, Iran: A preliminary statistical analysis for land use regression modeling

Correlation of air pollutants with land use and traffic measures in Tehran, Iran: A preliminary statistical analysis for land use regression modeling

Land use regression (LUR) models have been globally used to estimate long-term air pollution exposures. The present study aimed to analyze the association of different land use types and traffic measures with air pollutants in Tehran, Iran, as part of the future development of LUR models.