کل 26918

The Extraction of Affecting Processes on the Management of Health, Safety and Environment (Case Study Mapna Group MD 2 in 2016)

  • کد خبر : 4501
  • 14 آبان 1396 - 0:00
The Extraction of Affecting Processes on the Management of Health, Safety and Environment (Case Study Mapna Group MD 2 in 2016)

توضیحات :



VOL 4, NO 1, 2017


writers: Ahmad Alibabaei, Amir Hossein Matin, Reza Khanijazani, Rouhollah Nourian, Hamid Bastani, Afshin Mohebi



Nowadays, the change and dynamism of organizations are the basic principles; therefore, managers should modify the goals, plans and work procedures so that they can be compatible with the environment condition. The management of HSE is not excepted from this principle. The aim of this study was to evaluate the processes affecting HSE.

This study was a cross-sectional and applied study using the review of relevant documentation, interviews and brainstorming with experts, and the reviews of Best Practice to identify the HSE’s processes.

After checking the HSE activities, the 5 processes of HSE training, managing the risks, events, emergencies and contractors and any changes in the other processes of the organization were also suggested.

The results showed that a process approaching the form of an intervention programed can be provided in order to have a better interaction between the HSE activities and organizations processes and workplace health promotion for the HSE activities.


keyword: Process, HSE, Organizational Structure


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