کل 26876

Process Safety Monographs

  • کد خبر : 27969
  • 13 اردیبهشت 1399 - 3:11
Process Safety Monographs

Monographs are individual detailed studies of a single topic. When a topic needs such detailed research or compilation of information but does not extend to the level of a full guideline book, CCPS will create and publish monographs on such topics. These monographs may contain thoughtful analysis on recent events, reference to other works including CCPS books, references to external sources, checklists for proposed or recommended actions, and so on.

RBPS During COVID-19 & Similar Disruptive Times

This CCPS Monograph provides insights for managing Process Safety during the COVID-19 pandemic and other similar crises. It incorporates input from many CCPS member company representatives. It is organized by the RBPS elements and human factors impact is addressed in multiple areas. The top three elements of highest importance are: Process Safety Culture, Asset Integrity & Reliability and Management of Change. Occupational safety and health aspects are not the focus in this document.

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Bow Tie for Understanding COVID-19

Covid-19 is sweeping the globe and there is a lot of guidance on what we should be doing, but this tends to be many words and it is not always obvious why specific guidance has been introduced and what it hopes to achieve. So we have produced a picture which hopefully explains your role in the whole pandemic, a visual aid in the shape of a bowtie.

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Assessment of and Planning for Natural Hazards

This monograph is an updated edition of a previous pamphlet “Recovery from Natural Disasters” published by CCPS, focused on improved understanding of the impact of natural hazards. It provides several checklists for preparation ahead of meteorological hazards such as hurricanes Katrina and Harvey in the US and many such events across the globe. It covers preparedness from human as well as equipment focus and also addresses recovery in the aftermath.

Click here to access

لینک کوتاه : https://hsenk.ir/?p=27969

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