کل 26890

NFPA 45 Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals

  • کد خبر : 5190
  • 21 خرداد 1397 - 2:30
NFPA 45 Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals

توضیحات :

NFPA 45 – Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals

۲۰۱۹ Edition

Chapter 1 Administration

۱-۱ Scope.

۱-۱-۱* This standard shall apply to laboratory buildings, laboratory units, and laboratory work areas whether located above or below grade in which chemicals, as defined in NFPA 704 with one or more of the following hazard ratings are handled or stored: health — ۲, ۳, or 4; flammability — ۲, ۳, or 4; or instability — ۲, ۳, or 4. (See also Section B.2.)

Δ ۱-۱-۲ This standard shall apply to all educational laboratory units and instructional laboratory units in which any quantity of chemicals, as defined in NFPA 704 with one or more of the
following hazard ratings, is handled or stored: health — ۲, ۳, or 4; flammability — ۲, ۳, or 4; or instability — ۲, ۳, or 4. (See also Section B.2.)

۱-۱-۳ With the exception of 1.1.2, this standard shall not apply to the following:

(۱)* Laboratories for which the following conditions apply:

(a) Laboratory units that contain less than or equal to 4 L (1 gal) of flammable or combustible liquid

(b) Laboratory units that contain less than 2.2 standard m3 (75 scf) of flammable gas, not including piped-in low-pressure utility gas installed in accordance with NFPA 54

(۲)* Pilot plants

(۳) Laboratories that handle only chemicals with a hazard rating of 0 or 1 for all of the following: health, flammability, and instability, as defined by NFPA 704

(۴) Laboratories that are primarily manufacturing plants

(۵) Incidental testing facilities

(۶) Physical, electronic, instrument, laser, or similar laboratories that use chemicals only for incidental purposes, such as cleaning

(۷)* Hazards associated with radioactive materials, as covered by NFPA 801

(۸) Laboratories that work only with explosive material, as covered by NFPA 495

(۹)* A laboratory work area containing an explosion hazard great enough to cause property damage outside that laboratory work area or injury outside that laboratory work area requiring medical treatment beyond first aid

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