کل 26890

NFPA 57 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems Code

  • کد خبر : 5178
  • 21 خرداد 1397 - 4:40
NFPA 57 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems Code

توضیحات :

NFPA 57 – Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems Code

۲۰۰۲ Edition

Chapter 1 Administration

۱-۱″ Scope. This code shall apply to the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of liquefied natural gas (LNG) engine fuel systems on vehicles of all types, to their associated fueling (dispensing) facilities, and to LNG to CNG facilities with LNG storage in ASME containers of 70,000 gal (265 m”) or less.

۱-۱-۱ This code shall include marine, highway, rail, off-road, and industrial vehicles.

۱-۱-۲ Vehicles that are required to comply with federal motor vehicle safety standards covering the installation of LNG fuel systems on vehicles and that are certified by the manufacturer as meeting these standards shall not be required to comply with Chapter 4, except 4.12.8.

۱-۲ Purpose. (Reserved)

۱-۳ Retroactivity. The provisions of this code are considered necessary to provide a reasonable level of protection against loss of life and property from fire and explosion. They reflect the conditions and the state of the art prevalent at the time the code was issued. Unless otherwise noted, it is not intended that the provisions of this code be applied to facilities, equipment, structures, or installations that existed or were approved for construction or installation prior to the effective date of this document, except in those cases where it is determined by the authority having jurisdiction that the existing situation involves a distinct hazard to life or adjacent property.

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