کل 26875

Site selection for wastewater treatment plant using integrated fuzzy logic and multicriteria decision model: A case study in Kahak, Iran

  • کد خبر : 59072
  • 30 شهریور 1401 - 1:10
Site selection for wastewater treatment plant using integrated fuzzy logic and multicriteria decision model: A case study in Kahak, Iran

توضیحات :

Journal of Advances in Environmental Health Research


VOL 1 , NO 1 , 2013


Writers : Behzad Shahmoradi , Ali-Asghar Isalou


Abstract :

One of the environmental issues in urban planning is finding a suitable site for constructing infrastructures such as water and wastewater treatment plants. There are numerous factors to be considered for this purpose, which make decision-making a complex task. We used an integrated fuzzy logic and multicriteria decision model to select a suitable site for establishing wastewater treatment plant in Kahak, Iran. We used super decision software and a geographic information system (GIS) for scoring the parameters. The western part of Kahak was found to be a suitable place for constructing municipal wastewater treatment plant. Our findings indicated that decision makers and policy makers would be able to achieve better results concerning the most suitable location for wastewater treatment plant easily through combining these two models.


Keyword : Fuzzy Logic, Multicriteria Decision Making, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Site Location


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