کل 26923

Noise exposure inside of the Kerman urban buses: measurements, drivers and passengers attitudes

  • کد خبر : 4566
  • 04 آبان 1396 - 0:00
Noise exposure inside of the Kerman urban buses: measurements, drivers and passengers attitudes

توضیحات :



VOL 2, NO 1, 2015


writers: Hadi Rahmatiyar, Elham Rahmanpour Salmani, Mohammad Reza Alipour, Hossein Alidadi, Roya peiravi



A comprehensive study was conducted with the objectives of evaluation of noise exposure in the workplace of bus drivers, and to find attitudes of passengers and drivers. This study consisted of two phases. In the first phase, Noise levels were measured in fifty buses. The evaluation of noise levels in the workplace of bus drivers was performed according to the Iranian legislation`s. Twenty four buses with noise levels above 85 dB (A) consider as an “unsafe” workplace. In the second phase, the attitude of 50 male drivers and 500 passengers concerning the annoyance and impact of noise on health were also surveyed. Second phase showed that 70% of drivers and 86.4% of passengers was nervousness from high level noise inside the buses. Eighty four percent drivers and 80% passengers felt noise had affected on their hearing. This study also affirmed that out of every seven drivers, six reported headache.


keyword: Hearing loss;Occupational noise; Bus drivers and passengers; health impact; urban buses


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Noise exposure inside of the Kerman urban buses: measurements, drivers and passengers attitudes “.

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