کل 26875

Profit estimation models of industrial and engineering brick manufacturing using UASB reactor sludge

  • کد خبر : 60220
  • 26 مهر 1401 - 1:39
Profit estimation models of industrial and engineering brick manufacturing using UASB reactor sludge

توضیحات :

Journal of Advances in Environmental Health Research


Volume 6, Issue 2, Spring 2018


Authors : Syeda Azeem Unnisa, Malek Hassanpour


Abstract :

According to a recent report by the Iranian industrial organization, over 1700 Industrial and Engineering Brick Manufacturing (IEBM) industries are currently running in Iran, using the same method in common use worldwide. The present research study used a combination of a literature review, existing research reports, and a model of assessment among the four main kinds of IEBM industries to estimate the profit of IEBM using Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) sludge as a model. Paying attention to differences in brick manufacturing practices among the many published papers, we summarized the available standard procedures and methods. Both the paired test and t-test analyses revealed a significant difference among parameters such as initial feed, employees, power, water, fuel, and land (pvalue ≤ ۰.۰۰۱) for the four main types of IEBM industries in Iran. The evaluation identified a priority hierarchy among factors: employees> land > initial feed > water > power > fuel. Therefore, automation in this industry is recommended. Next, two models were developed to estimate the profit of a WWTP and Four Main Brick Manufacturing Industries (FMBMI) using released sludge from the WWTP.


Keyword : Profit, Brick manufacturing, Wastewater sludge, Model


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