کل 26890

NFPA 903 Fire Reporting Property Survey Guide

  • کد خبر : 4982
  • 15 تیر 1397 - 2:40
NFPA 903 Fire Reporting Property Survey Guide

توضیحات :

NFPA 903 – Fire Reporting Property Survey Guide

۱۹۹۶ Edition


Fire service personnel have recognized the need to become more effective in their attempts to educate people about firesafe habits, to make or suggest changes in fire and building codes, and to show clearly the value of fire service personnel through the collection and use of meaningful data.

To help develop a uniform system of recording basic data on properties and fires involving those properties, the NFPA established a Technical Committee on Fire Reporting in 1962. Using information available in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia, the committee devised a standard language of fire reporting, which is published as NFPA 901, Standard Classifications for Incident Reporting and Fire Protection Data. That document serves as a system description, glossary, and dictionary for the building of a full and eventually international system of data collection for control of the fire threat.

This edition of NFPA 903, Fire Reporting Property Survey Guide, together with the Basic Property/Structure Report (Form 903SR) and the Basic Occupancy Report (Form 903TR), provides a method for fire department personnel to use in collecting selected information regarding the prefire risk of the structures within their jurisdiction.

This system is not designed to produce a prefire plan, fire equipment readiness report, or code conformance report. The survey used to gather the data recorded on Form 903SR and Form 903TR also is not a substitute for a fire protection engineering evaluation of the property.

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