کل 26890

NFPA 902 Fire Reporting Field Incident Guide

  • کد خبر : 4983
  • 15 تیر 1397 - 2:30
NFPA 902 Fire Reporting Field Incident Guide

توضیحات :

NFPA 902 – Fire Reporting Field Incident Guide

۱۹۹۷ Edition


Fire service personnel have recognized the need to become more effective in their efforts to educate people in fire safety habits, to make or suggest changes in fire and building codes, and to show clearly the value of the fire service through the collection and use of meaningful data. To help develop fire incident data in a uniform manner, the NFPA established a Technical Committee on Fire Reporting. Using information available in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia, the committee developed definitions, standard terminology, and a classification system for data, which is published as NFPA 901, Standard Classifications for Incident Reporting and Fire Protection Data.

NFPA 902, Fire Reporting Field Incident Guide, and the Basic Incident Report (Form 902F), the Basic Casualty Report (Form 902G), and the Basic EMS Report (Form 902H), were developed to provide a fire department with a basic system for collecting and using data in a uniform manner based on NFPA 901.

The basic report is not intended to be a complete fire report nor to serve as a guide for developing ignition sequence factors or the various details pointing to those factors causing or contributing to the ignition or extension of fire. In addition, it is not intended to provide all of the known fire incident information supportive to a continuing or in-depth investigation.

It also should be noted that since the basic report is not intended as a final or complete report, the ignition sequence information reported should only be considered as most probable based on information available to the reporting officer at that time.

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