کل 26890

NFPA 850 Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Electric Generating Plants and High Voltage Direct Current Converter Stations

  • کد خبر : 4988
  • 15 تیر 1397 - 1:30
NFPA 850 Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Electric Generating Plants and High Voltage Direct Current Converter Stations

توضیحات :

NFPA 850 – Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Electric Generating Plants and High Voltage Direct Current Converter Stations

۲۰۲۰ Edition

Chapter 1 Administration

۱-۱ Scope. This document provides recommendations for fire prevention and fire protection for electric generating plants and high voltage direct current converter stations, except as follows: Advanced light water reactor electric generating plants are addressed in NFPA 804; nuclear power plants are addressed in NFPA 805; and fuel cells are addressed in NFPA 853.

۱-۲ Purpose.

۱-۲-۱ This document is prepared for the guidance of those charged with the design, construction, operation, and protection of electric generating plants and high voltage direct current converter stations that are covered by the scope of this document.

۱-۲-۲ This document provides fire hazard control recommendations for the safety of construction and operating personnel, the physical integrity of plant components, and the continuity of plant operations. Specific concerns are generalized and categorized as shown in 1 .2.2.1 through

۱-۲-۲-۱ Protection of Plant Personnel. Risk of injury and loss of life, in the event of fire, should be controlled. Specific criteria should be established for means of egress. When for plant safety and emergency response reasons personnel are not able to evacuate immediately, specific criteria for ensuring their safety until they can evacuate and safe passage to egress routes should be established.

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