کل 26890

NFPA 803 Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Nuclear Power Plants

  • کد خبر : 4993
  • 15 تیر 1397 - 0:50
NFPA 803 Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Nuclear Power Plants

توضیحات :

NFPA 803 – Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Nuclear Power Plants

۱۹۹۸ Edition

Chapter 1 Introduction

۱-۱* Scope. This standard covers the protection of light water nuclear power plants from the consequences of fire, including safety to life of on-site personnel, protection of property, and continuity of production. Nuclear safety is provided for in other documents such as the regulations published by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

۱-۲ Purpose. This standard is prepared for the use and guidance of those charged with the design, construction, operation, and protection of light water nuclear power plants. This standard covers those requirements essential to ensure that the consequences of fire will have minimum impact on the safety of construction and operating personnel, the physical integrity of plant components, and the continuity of plant operations. Additional emphasis is on requirements dictated by the need to protect the lives of constructors and operators from the consequences of fire and to conform to the best fire protection engineering practices.

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