کل 26890

NFPA 69 Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems

  • کد خبر : 5171
  • 22 خرداد 1397 - 0:20
NFPA 69 Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems

توضیحات :

NFPA 69 – Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems

۲۰۱۹ Edition

Chapter 1 Administration

۱-۱ Scope. This standard applies to the design, installation, operation, maintenance, and testing of systems for the prevention of explosions by means of the following methods:

(۱) Control of oxidant concentration.

(۲) Control of combustible concentration.

(۳) Pre deflagration detection and control of ignition sources.

(۴) Explosion suppression.

(۵) Active isolation.

(۶) Passive isolation.

(۷) Deflagration pressure containment.

(۸) Passive explosion suppression.

۱-۲ Purpose.

۱-۲-۱ This standard shall cover the minimum requirements for installing systems for the prevention of explosions in enclosures that contain flammable concentrations of flammable gases, vapors, mists, dusts, or hybrid mixtures.

۱-۲-۲ This standard shall provide basic information for design engineers, operating personnel, and authorities having jurisdiction.

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