کل 26875

NFPA 46 Recommended Safe Practice for Storage of Forest Products

  • کد خبر : 73461
  • 21 خرداد 1397 - 2:40
NFPA 46 Recommended Safe Practice for Storage of Forest Products

توضیحات :

NFPA 46 Recommended Safe Practice for Storage of Forest Products

۱۹۹۶ Edition

Chapter 1 General

۱ -۱ Purpose . The intent of these recommendations is to provide fire protection guidance to minimize the fire hazard in areas Used for the storage of forest products , particularly as they are stored outside buildings . These recommendations are not intended to be mandatory requirements . Each individual property will have its own special conditions of stock handling, exposure, and topography. For this reason, only basic fire protection principles are recommended here in, which are intended to be applied with due consideration of all local factors involved.
The authority having jurisdiction should be consulted in all cases.

۱-۲ Scope. These recommendations cover:

(a) retail and wholesale lumber storage yards ;

(b) outside storage of lumber and timber at other than retail or wholesale yards ;

(c) outside storage of ties , poles , piles , posts , and other similar forest products at pressure treating plant yards ;

(d) outside storage of wood chips ;

(e) outside storage of logs ; and

(t) outside storage of hogged material .

Chapter 2 Definitions

۲-۱ Definitions .* Unless expressly stated elsewhere, the following terms will, for the purpose of this recommended practice, have the meanings indicated below.

Alleyway. An accessible clear space between storage piles or groups of piles suitable for housekeeping operations , visual inspection of piling areas , and initial firefighting operations .

Authority Having Jurisdiction.* The organization ,office, or individual responsible for approving equipment , an installation, or a procedure.

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