کل 26890

NFPA 410 Standard on Aircraft Maintenance

  • کد خبر : 5054
  • 08 تیر 1397 - 0:20
NFPA 410 Standard on Aircraft Maintenance

توضیحات :

NFPA 410 – Standard on Aircraft Maintenance

۲۰۲۰ Edition

Chapter 1 Administration

۱-۱ Scope. The scope of this standard is as follows:

(۱) This standard covers the minimum requirements for fire safety to be followed during aircraft maintenance and does not include the health and safety requirements for personnel involved in aircraft maintenance.

(۲) The operations covered include the following:

(a) Maintenance of electrical systems

(b) Maintenance of oxygen systems

(c) Fuel tank repairing

(d) Cleaning, painting, and paint removal

(e) Welding operations in hangars

(f) Interior cleaning

(g) Refurbishing operations

(۳) This standard also covers requirements for fire protection
of aircraft ramp areas.

۱-۲ Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to provide a degree of protection for life and property from fire through requirements for aircraft maintenance based on engineering principles, test data, and field experience.

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