کل 26875

NFPA 1999 Standard on Protective Clothing and Ensembles for Emergency Medical Operations

  • کد خبر : 4882
  • 24 تیر 1397 - 1:30
NFPA 1999 Standard on Protective Clothing and Ensembles for Emergency Medical Operations

توضیحات :

NFPA 1999 – Standard on Protective Clothing and Ensembles for Emergency Medical Operations

۲۰۱۳ Edition

Chapter 1 Administration

۱-۱ Scope.

۱-۱-۱* This standard shall specify the minimum design, performance, testing, documentation, and certification requirements for new single-use and new multiple-use emergency medical operations protective clothing, including garments, helmets, gloves, footwear, and face protection devices, used by emergency medical responders prior to arrival at medical care facilities, and used by medical first receivers at medical care facilities during emergency medical operations.

۱-۱-۲* This standard shall also specify additional minimum design, performance, testing, documentation, and certification as requirements for multiple exposure use emergency medical protective ensembles that provide limited protection from specified [C]BRN terrorism agents.

۱-۱-۳* This standard shall not be interpreted as specifying requirements for protection from all CBRN terrorism agents, from all radiological agents, from hazardous chemicals, from flammable or explosive atmospheres, or from thermal hazards.

۱-۱-۴* Other than for emergency medical protective ensembles that are certified as compliant with the [C]BRN requirements of this standard, this standard shall not be interpreted as specifying requirements for respiratory protection, and protection from airborne pathogens.

۱-۱-۵ Certification of all emergency medical ensemble elements and protective clothing items, and medical care facility ensemble elements and protective clothing items as compliant with the requirements of this standard shall not preclude certification to additional appropriate standards where the ensemble elements or protective clothing items meet all applicable requirements of each standard.

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