کل 26875

NFPA 1989 Standard on Breathing Air Quality for Emergency Services Respiratory Protection

  • کد خبر : 4886
  • 24 تیر 1397 - 0:40
NFPA 1989 Standard on Breathing Air Quality for Emergency Services Respiratory Protection

توضیحات :

NFPA 1989 – Standard on Breathing Air Quality for Emergency Services Respiratory Protection

۲۰۱۹ Edition

Chapter 1 Administration

۱-۱* Scope.

۱-۱-۱ This standard shall specify the minimum requirements for breathing air quality for emergency services organizations that use atmosphere-supplying respirators for the respiratory protection of their personnel.

۱-۱-۲ This standard shall specify the requirements for the breathing air quality component of the respiratory protection program of any emergency services organization.

Δ ۱-۱-۳ For fire departments, this standard shall specify the requirements for the breathing air quality component of the respiratory protection program required by NFPA 1500.

۱-۱-۴ This standard shall not specify requirements for medical grade oxygen.

۱-۱-۵ This standard shall not specify requirements for air quality for any other applications.

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