کل 26875

NFPA 1891 Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Hazardous Materials, CBRN, and Emergency Medical Operations Clothing and Equipment

  • کد خبر : 77906
  • 21 تیر 1397 - 1:50
NFPA 1891 Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Hazardous Materials, CBRN, and Emergency Medical Operations Clothing and Equipment

توضیحات :

NFPA 1891 – Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Hazardous Materials, CBRN, and Emergency Medical Operations Clothing and Equipment

۲۰۲۲ Edition

Chapter 1 Administration

۱-۱ Scope.

۱-۱-۱ This standard shall specify the minimum requirements for the selection, care, and maintenance of hazardous materials, CBRN, and emergency medical operations (hazmat/ CBRN/ EMO) ensembles and ensemble elements, that are used for protection during hazardous materials emergencies, CBRN incidents, and emergency medical operations, and are certified against NFPA 1999 or NFPA 1990, which incorporates NFPA 1991, NFPA 1992, and NFPA 1994.

۱-۱-۱-۱ * Individual clothing items addressed within this standard are limited to items certified against the NFPA 1992 and NFPA 1994 Class 5 portions of NFPA 1990.

۱-۱-۱-۲ Emergency medical operations (EMO) PPE addressed within this standard are limited to single-use and multiple-use ensembles certified against NFPA 1999.

۱-۱-۲ This standard shall also specify requirements for hazmat/ CBRN/EMO PPE manufactured to previous editions of NFPA 1991, NFPA 1992, NFPA 1994, and NFPA 1999.

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