کل 26890

NFPA 1851 Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting

  • کد خبر : 4916
  • 21 تیر 1397 - 1:00
NFPA 1851 Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting

توضیحات :

NFPA 1851 – Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting

۲۰۲۰ Edition

Chapter 1 Administration

۱-۱ Scope.

Δ ۱-۱-۱ This standard shall specify the minimum selection, care, and maintenance requirements for structural fire fighting protective ensembles and the individual ensemble elements that include garments, helmets, gloves, footwear, and interface components that are compliant with NFPA 1971.

Δ ۱-۱-۲ This standard shall also specify the minimum selection, care, and maintenance requirements for proximity fire fighting protective ensembles and the individual ensemble elements that include garments, helmets, gloves, footwear, and interface components that are compliant with NFPA 1971.

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