کل 26876

NFPA 13R Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Low-Rise Residential Occupancies

  • کد خبر : 5214
  • 19 خرداد 1397 - 0:50
NFPA 13R Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Low-Rise Residential Occupancies

توضیحات :

NFPA 13R – Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Low-Rise Residential Occupancies

۲۰۲۲ Edition

Chapter 1 Administration

۱-۱ * Scope. This standard shall cover the design and installation of automatic sprinkler systems for protection against fire hazards in residential occupancies up to and including four stories in height that are located in buildings not exceeding 60ft (18m) in height above grade plane.

۱-۱-۱ This standard shall be based on the concept that the sprinkler system is designed to protect against a fire originating from a single ignition location.

۱-۱-۲ This standard shall not provide requirements for the design or installation of water mist fire protection systems, which are not considered fire sprinkler systems and are addressed by NFPA 750.

۱-۲* Purpose.

۱-۲-۱ The purpose of this standard shall be to provide a sprinkler system that aids in the detection and control of residential fires and thus provides improved protection against injury, life loss, and property damage.

۱-۲-۲ A sprinkler system shall be designed and installed in accordance with this standard to prevent flash over (total involvement) in the room of fit-e origin, where sprinklered, and to improve the chance for occupants to escape or be evacuated.

۱-۲-۳ The layout, calculation, and installation of sprinkler systems installed in accordance wid1 this standard shall only be performed by people knowledgeable and trained in such systems.

۱-۳ Retroactivity. The provisions of this standard reflect a consensus of what is necessary to provide an acceptable degree of protection from the hazards addressed in this standard at the time the standard was issued.

۱-۳-۱ Unless otherwise specified, the provisions of this standard shall not apply to facilities, equipment, structures, or installations that existed or were approved for construction or installation prior to the effective date of the standard. Where specified, the provisions of this standard shall be retroactive.

۱-۳-۲ In those cases where the authority having jurisdiction determines that the existing situation presents an unacceptable degree of risk, the authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to apply retroactively any portions of this standard deemed appropriate.

۱-۳-۳ The retroactive requirements of this standard shall be permitted to be modified if d1eir application clearly would be impractical in the judgment of the authority having jurisdiction, and only where it is clearly evident that a reasonable degree of safety is provided.

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