کل 26890

NFPA 1071 Standard for Emergency Vehicle Technician Professional Qualifications

  • کد خبر : 4960
  • 18 تیر 1397 - 0:40
NFPA 1071 Standard for Emergency Vehicle Technician Professional Qualifications

توضیحات :

NFPA 1071 – Standard for Emergency Vehicle Technician Professional Qualifications

۲۰۲۰ Edition

Chapter 1 Administration

۱-۱* Scope. This standard identifies the minimum job performance requirements (JPRs) for emergency vehicle technicians.

۱-۲* Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to specify the minimum JPRs for service as an emergency vehicle technician.

۱-۲-۱ This standard shall define Emergency Vehicle Technician I (EVT I), Emergency Vehicle Technician II (EVT II), and Emergency Vehicle Technician III (EVT III).

۱-۲-۲ The intent of this standard shall be to ensure that personnel serving as EVT I, EVT II, and EVT III are qualified.

۱-۲-۳* This standard shall not address organization or management responsibility.

۱-۲-۴ It is not the intent of this standard to restrict any jurisdiction from exceeding or combining these minimum requirements.

۱-۲-۵ JPRs for each level and position are the tasks personnel shall be able to perform to carry out the job duties.

۱-۲-۶* An EVT I, EVT II, and EVT III shall remain current with the general knowledge and skills and JPRs addressed for each level or position of qualification.

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