کل 26853

Neck and Back Pain Prevalence in Workers of Iranian Steel industries in 2015

  • کد خبر : 4525
  • 13 آبان 1396 - 0:00
Neck and Back Pain Prevalence in Workers of Iranian Steel industries in 2015

توضیحات :



VOL ۳, NO 1S, ۲۰۱۶


writers: Mohammad Hassan Nassir- Kashani, Mashallah Aghilinejad, Amir Bahrami-Ahmadi, Mohammad Kazem Nouri, Behzad Biglari, Elaheh Kabir Mokamelkhah



Work related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are considered as the main cause of occupational complications and disability in developing countries. In Iranian steel companies, workers commonly are directly involved in the production process and physical activities such as manual material handling and awkward postures. Present study was performed for assessment of neck and back pain prevalence among workers of four Iranian steel industries.

Study participants in our cross sectional study, were randomly selected from workers of four Iranian steel industries. Data of neck and back pain were gathered by Nordic questionnaire. Logistic regression was used for controlling confounding variables and determining independent predictors of neck and back pain among study workers.

Among study workers, prevalence of neck and back pain in a recent year were 18.40% and 13.90% respectively. Age (p≤۰.۰۲) and job experience (p≤۰.۰۰) had significant association with neck pain. Age, sex, BMI, and job duration were not known as an independent predictor of neck or back pain.

Neck and back pain prevalence in steel industries were happened whit higher rate compared to most of other countries. Next studies will suggest for determining work related risk factors of WMSDs in workers and designing preventive strategies.


keyword: Back pain, Neck pain, Nordic questionnaire, Occupational Medicine, Worker


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