کل 26853

Investigating the possibility of Microbial Production of Mannitol from Waste Bread

  • کد خبر : 4515
  • 13 آبان 1396 - 0:00
Investigating the possibility of Microbial Production of Mannitol from Waste Bread

توضیحات :



VOL ۳, NO 3, ۲۰۱۶


writers: Vajihe Sadeqi, Akram Astani, Anita Khanafari



According to the significant role of sugar alcohols (Polyols) in food industries, in the present study the possibility of microbial production of mannitol from bread waste was studied.

Microbial growth and amylase production were investigated by five Iranian native strains of Bacillus spp in starch agar and broth. The best strain was selected, and its growth curve was determined. Leuconostoc mesentroides PTCC 1059 was used as a control strain to convert fructose to mannitol. In order to determine the ability of selected strains in converting waste breads into mannitol sugar, a culture medium was prepared from waste of Lavash and Baguette breads. Afterward, the ability to convert starch into fructose by Chemical analysis glucose test was used, and then bio-conversion analysis of fructose to mannitol by HPLC analysis was investigated.

HPLC results showed that the Bacillus subtilis and Leuconostoc mesentroides PTCC 1059 had the ability of producing mannitol at a rate of 4.8g/L from fructose 5%, 0.15 g/L from Lavash bread 5%, and 0.2g/L from Baguette bread.


keyword: Waste Breads, Polyol, Mannitol, Bacillus spp., Leuconostoc mesentroides HPLC


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