کل 26918

Fire Risk Assessment: A Systematic Review of the Methodology and Functional Areas

  • کد خبر : 4506
  • 13 آبان 1396 - 0:00
Fire Risk Assessment: A Systematic Review of the Methodology and Functional Areas

توضیحات :



VOL 4, NO 1, 2017


writers: Parisa Moshashaei, Seyed Shamseddin Alizadeh



Fire is a physical and social phenomenon that affects both individuals and the environment. Fire risk assessment is a critical part of a fire prevention program. In this process, the fire risk associated with the possibility of occurrence and severity of damage resulting from the fire is estimated and calculated. In this paper, a classification scheme and a systematic literature review are presented in order to classify and interpret the current researches on fire risk assessment methodologies and applications. Based on the scheme, 93 scholarly papers from 13 journals are categorized into application areas and other categories. The application areas include the papers on the topics of environmental impact, production and industry, transportation, buildings, power industry, oil and gas industry, urban fires and other topics. Scholarly papers are also classified by (1) year of publication, (2) journal of publication, (3) year of publication and application areas and (4) authors’ nationality. The survey results show that the largest number of papers was published during the period 2010-2012 with 31 (33.33%), the most of the studies have been carried out on environmental impact (47.31%), the journal of Forest Ecology and Management had the highest percentage of articles with 26.88%. It is hoped that the paper can meet the needs of researchers for easy references of fire risk assessment methodologies and applications. Therefore, this work would be able to provide useful insights into the anatomy of the fire-risk assessment methods, and suggest academic researchers and experts a framework for future attempts and researches.


keyword: Fire Risk, Fire Analysis, Fire Risk Assessment, FRA


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