کل 26875

Don’t let a small leak become a big leak!

  • کد خبر : 33412
  • 24 آذر 1396 - 0:04
Don’t let a small leak become a big leak!

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ایمنی فرآیند

April 2011


Don’t let a small leak become a big leak!

ایمنی فرآیند - April 2011

The pictures show how rapidly a small water leak at a construction site became a large and catastrophic leak. The pictures were taken just a few minutes apart!

This incident reminds us in the process industries that it is important to report and repair any leaks that we detect in piping or other equipment. ALL leaks, no matter how small, are potentially dangerous. Leaks of toxic, combustible, or flammable materials usually have higher risks, but, as shown in the pictures, a leak of any material can be dangerous. A small leak of a very toxic material can be immediately dangerous, and a small leak of a flammable or less toxic material may grow rapidly, and become large enough that it is a major fire, explosion, or health hazard.

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