کل 26875

An empirical investigation into the relationship between workshop operations and accidents in local automobile garages in Ghana

  • کد خبر : 59380
  • 08 مهر 1401 - 18:36
An empirical investigation into the relationship between workshop operations and accidents in local automobile garages in Ghana

توضیحات :

Journal of Advances in Environmental Health Research


Volume 2, Issue 3, Summer 2014


Authors : Maxwell S. Akple , Richard F. Turkson , Chizoba I. Ezugwu , Robert K. Biscoff , Cephas K. Bosrotsi


Abstract :

Local automobile garage workers carry out daily workshop operations, which sometimes lead to accidents and injuries. Therefore, this study was carried out to establish a relationship between automobile workshop operations causing accidents and safety practices among local garage workers in Ghana. Three main data collection approaches were used in the study namely focus group discussions (10 FGDs), observation and survey (250 respondents). Data were analyzed with SPSS. From the FGDs, participants identified workshop operations that had the potential of causing accidents, safety factors and safety practices. Factor reduction analysis was carried out where identified workshop operations were clustered into three factors relating to worker’s attitude toward workshop operations, working environment and management practices, and work monotony. Safety practices were clustered into two main components regarding worker’s approach to safety measures and provision and storage of chemicals appropriately. Five safety measures were mentioned to be practiced in garages that had a positive moderate correlation with the potential workshop operations causing accidents. Finally, it could be said that local garage workers had some level of knowledge concerning safety measures but the practice does not measure up to standard and best safety practices. Therefore, safety seminars and training sessions should be organized for local automobile garage workers.


Keyword : Accidents, Safety, Automobile, Local Garages, Ghana


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