کل 26890

NFPA 267 Standard Method of Test for Fire Characteristics of Mattresses and Bedding Assemblies Exposed to Flaming Ignition Source

  • کد خبر : 5095
  • 31 خرداد 1397 - 0:50
NFPA 267 Standard Method of Test for Fire Characteristics of Mattresses and Bedding Assemblies Exposed to Flaming Ignition Source

توضیحات :

NFPA 267 – Standard Method of Test for Fire Characteristics of Mattresses and Bedding Assemblies Exposed to Flaming Ignition Source

۱۹۹۸ Edition

۱-۱ Scope.

۱-۱-۱ This test method, using an open calorimeter environment, shall be used to determine heat release, smoke density, weight loss, and generation of carbon monoxide of mattresses and bedding assemblies.

۱-۱-۲* This test procedure shall be used to determine performance of mattresses and bedding assemblies without bedclothes exposed to a flaming ignition source. This performance data has been found to be useful in assessing the fire hazard of mattresses and bedding assemblies in occupancies that are identified as or considered to be public occupancies.

۱-۱-۳* Heat release rate is indicated by measurement of oxygen depletion, and smoke generation is determined by smoke density measurement systems. Weight loss and carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) evolution are continuously recorded.

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