کل 26875

Patients ‘satisfaction with outdoor and indoor environments of a training hospital

  • کد خبر : 4332
  • 22 اردیبهشت 1397 - 0:00
Patients ‘satisfaction with outdoor and indoor environments of a training hospital

توضیحات :

Journal of Advances in Environmental Health Research


Volume 5, Issue 3, Summer 2017


Authors : Afsane Chavoshani , Asadollah Shams , Akbar Hassanzadeh , Majid Hashemi


Abstract :

Respect to the design guidelines of building environments is a complex subject that associated with cultural and economic development of human societies. Therefore, accurately measuring users’ favorites for environment design is a essential subject to optimize the relationship between environmental and personal parameters. This study with the purpose of investigation of patients satisfactory from outdoor and inddor environment dimensions was performed in the one of the hospital in Isfahan city in Iran in 2015. Data were collected from all hospital wards by a questionare and environmental health check list . This questionnaire was including questions about patients satisfactory from indoor and outdoor environment dimentions of the hospital. The statistical tests including Independent samples T test, Pearson Correlation, Spearman Correlation, and paired sample T test applied by SPSS. According to these results, the mean of total satisfactory scores from indoor and outdoor spaces were 62.3 and 80.5%, respectively. Paired sample T test showed that the average patients satisfactory score from outdoor view was significantly higher than indood view(P<0.001). Among outdoor view items, the lowest and highest satisfactory were allocated to disruption and construon activiticties(50%) and green natural space(69.4%), respectively, while, the lowest and highest satisfactory were allocated to access to sanitation/cleanliness of toilets(21%) and lighting(57.9%), repectively. Obtained results showed that the mean total scores of satisfactory from outdoor and indoor environments was in acceptable level.


Keyword : Patients’ satisfaction, training hospital, outdoor and indoor environments


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