کل 26875

A comparative study of the environmental health and safety of urban and rural schools of Abadan and their compliance with national standards

  • کد خبر : 4322
  • 24 اردیبهشت 1397 - 0:00
A comparative study of the environmental health and safety of urban and rural schools of Abadan and their compliance with national standards

توضیحات :

Journal of Advances in Environmental Health Research


Volume 6, Issue 1, Winter 2018


Authors : Rouhollah Shokri , Abdollah Dargahi , Shima Rezaei , Aliasghar Valipour , Sharareh Zovedavianpoor, Zahra Atafar , Azimeh Karimian, Moslem Golchehreh


Abstract :

Students’ academic achievement as the community capital depends on the appropriate educational, physical, and psychological environment. Since students spend 20% of their time at school, and due to their high vulnerability to health problems and their value for the family, attention and promotion of their educational environment health is essential. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the environmental health and safety of 192 urban and rural schools in Abadan using a checklist prepared according to the Ministry of Health Regulations. The collected data were analyzed using Excel. The results showed that 100% of urban and rural schools have access to safe drinking water. In 98.6% of urban schools and 93.75% of rural schools, the standards for water drinking were followed. The minimum required area per student was met in 100% of urban and rural schools. Per capita green space was observed in 100% and 12.5% of urban and rural schools, respectively. In 95.5% of urban schools and 79.2% of rural schools, the standards for the number of hand washing stations was followed. The standard number of toilets was followed for 76.4% of urban schools and 77% of rural schools. In 100% of urban schools and 77% of rural schools, waste disposal was based on the sanitary standard. A total of 73.4% of urban schools and 45% of rural schools adhered to Article 13 of the Food, Cosmetics and Health Act. With regard to the effect of school buildings on education and academic achievement of students, it is necessary to address the environmental health deficiencies of schools.


Keyword : School health, Environment, Building condition, National Standards, Abadan


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